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Treatment Options For Common Car Accident Injuries

Car Accident Doctor in New York City

Many people use cars daily to transport themselves and their families to and from work, school, and entertainment. While public transport is an option in some metropolitan areas, automobiles are necessary for many families. Cars are a convenient way to get around, but they can be incredibly dangerous. Driving down the highway at 75 miles per hour, surrounded by distracted drivers, new motorists, and construction, can be hazardous. 

Injury Doctor in New York City

According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, more than three million Americans are injured in automobile accidents each year. A high percentage of these injuries occur in New Jersey and New York due to the millions of motorists calling these two states home. The various damages resulting from these accidents vary substantially, but specific injuries are more common than others. Comprehensive car accident treatment is essential to address critical issues and reduce the likelihood of chronic panic conditions. When it comes to auto injury treatment and no-fault doctors in New York and New Jersey, here is what you need to know. 

New York Car Accident Statistics 

According to statistics published by the NHTSA, New York has seen a dramatic increase in auto accident fatalities in recent years. The recent percentage increase in car accident deaths in New York surpassed the national average. The New York State Department of Health reports that automobile crashes kill more than 1,000 New Yorkers each year, causing the deaths of nearly 6 out of every 100,000 residents.

Further, thousands of motorists are injured and sent to the hospital with injuries sustained in automobile accidents. Car crashes are consistently one of the leading causes of death each year in New York. Many of these fatalities are avoidable, resulting from driver error.

New Jersey Car Accident Statistics 

In 2018, there were over 278,000 traffic accidents reported to police in New Jersey. Of these accidents, 61,043 incidents caused injuries, and 563 fatalities occurred. In the same year, Essex County experienced the most accidents with over 30,000, followed by Bergen County with over 29,000 crashes. The high number of accidents in these counties is likely attributed to the high number of motorists and the densely populated geography. Salem County experienced the least number of incidents in 2018. 

Most fatal car crashes in New Jersey occur on state roads, with nearly 200 deaths in 2018. New Jersey county roads and interstate highways were the second and third most common places for fatal crashes. 

Leading Causes of Traffic-Related Injuries and Deaths 

Traffic-Related Injuries Pain Management in NY

Car accident injuries and fatalities can occur from incidents involving one, two, or multiple vehicles. While many people die from the trauma of the car crash itself, others pass away later due to injuries sustained.  Even more, people suffer from life-long disabilities because of car accidents. Understanding the causes of traffic-related injuries and deaths can help you avoid being in one. Here are the leading causes of car crash injuries in New York and New Jersey: 


According to the NHTSA, excessive speed has been the main factor in nearly one-third of all traffic deaths nationwide. Speeding is considered an unsafe driving behavior that impacts the motorist’s ability to make quick decisions, control the car, and brake for stop signs and pedestrians. Even if illegal substances or alcohol are not involved, excessive speed can increase the potential for severe injuries or fatalities. 

Distracted Driving

Distracted driving is defined as taking part in another activity while operating a vehicle that inhibits your ability to drive safely. Talking on a mobile phone, texting, eating, using a navigation system, or speaking with other vehicle occupants are some examples of distracted driving activities. NHTSA research shows that distracted driving accounts for nearly 9% of all fatal car crashes in New York and New Jersey each year. Further, distracted driving is responsible for thousands of traffic-related injuries annually. 

Driving While Impaired or Intoxicated

A recent study found there were more than 4,600 car accident injuries or deaths attributed to impaired driving in New York in 2018. Driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs is a significant issue that renders a driver incapable of safely operating an automobile.  

While it is illegal to drive with a blood alcohol concentration of more than .08%, alcohol can inhibit an individual’s ability to control a vehicle at nearly any level. Further, driving under the influence of illegal drugs or prescription drugs can also affect the motorist’s ability to operate a vehicle safely. 

Failure To Yield To Pedestrians

New York’s Department of Health states that nearly 2 out of every 100,000 New Yorkers die each year due to an automobile traffic-related pedestrian injury. When a motorist does not stop for a pedestrian, the results are often disastrous. Motorists who do not observe crosswalks, stop signs, and traffic lights account for the largest percentage of automobile-related pedestrian deaths. 

Following Too Closely

Following another vehicle too closely is a major cause of auto accidents in New York and New Jersey. Following too closely can cause rear-end car crashes, aggressive driving, and road rage. Following a car too closely, particularly on the freeway or in poor weather, increases the chance of a collision 

Improper Lane Changes

New York’s Health Department estimates that improper lane changes or unsafe passing contribute to nearly 20% of fatal auto accidents involving excessive speed. Failing to look before passing another car or not following the proper lane change protocol can cause significant injuries and property damage. 

Other significant factors involved in many auto accidents in New York and New Jersey include driving while fatigued, failing to use seatbelts, operating an unsafe vehicle, and driving at night or during inclement weather. 

Most Common Auto Accident Injuries 

Injuries caused by traffic accidents are classified as impact or penetrating injuries. Generally, impact injuries occur when a car occupant’s body comes into contact with the inside of the car. Examples of an impact injury include a knee hitting a seat or a head hitting a dashboard or side window. Penetrating injuries are cuts and scrapes caused when an occupant comes into contact with the vehicle, shattering glass, or lose objects that are dislodged during the crash. 

A multitude of accident injuries can result from a car accident. However, some injuries are more common in New York, and New Jersey crashes. Pain management for the most common injuries people sustain in car accidents:  

  • Soft tissue injuries: A soft tissue injury is a harm to the body’s connective tissues, which includes tendons, muscles, and ligaments. Soft tissue injuries can take many forms and are the most common type of injury resulting from vehicular accidents. Whiplash is a mild tissue injury that impacts the neck and upper back. If a motorist sustains whiplash, ligaments are stretched and damaged because of the sudden back and forth movement caused by the accident. Whiplash is a serious injury that can lead to more severe complications, including muscle spasms, low-back muscle sprains, back injuries, and migraines.
  • Scrapes and cuts: Car crashes cause loose items such as books, cell phones, purses, and eyeglasses to become projectiles inside the car’s interior immediately. If any of these items hit an occupant’s body at high speed, they can easily break the skin and cause significant scrapes. While some bruises and cuts can be treated at the scene of a crash, other injuries result in blood loss and require stitches.
  • Head injuries: Head injuries sustained in car accidents take several forms, ranging from minor cuts to severe blows. The impact from the steering wheel or dashboard can cause scrapes, bruises, and deep lacerations to the head.  Accidents involving excessive speed can cause a severe closed head injury. In severe head injuries, the tissue inside the skull is harmed due to the sudden movement or impact of the head.  Mild head injuries can result in concussions, while severe crashes can result in brain damage.
  • Chest injuries: Harm to the chest is common after car accidents. Chest injuries vary widely but can take the form of bruises, broken ribs, or internal bleeding. These injuries are common for drivers because of their proximity to the steering wheel. During a head-on or rear-end collision, the driver has very little freedom of motion. Thus, the driver’s chest often collides with the steering wheel at high speed.
  • Leg and arm injuries: The same strong force that causes whiplash and head injuries can also cause harm to the legs and arms. If a motorist is involved in a side-impact collision, the occupants inside are thrown against the door, causing harm to the arms and legs. Most car passengers have very little room for movement. Car crashes can further restrict motion and cause an occupant’s knees to hit the dashboard or front seats. Depending on the severity of the collision, injuries can include bruises, scrapes, and broken bones. 

Some injuries are apparent immediately after the crash. However, the symptoms associated with some injuries, including whiplash, may not appear for days or even weeks. Thus, it is best to seek medical attention as soon as possible, even if you do not think you sustained a severe injury. 

Auto Accident Treatment Options in New York City

Car Accident Doctors in New York City

Car accident victims suffer from numerous injuries, and therefore must undergo different types of treatment. The treatment will vary depending on the severity of the damage and the general health status of the victim.

Most Common Car Accident Injuries:

  • Neck and back injuries: The treatment options for whiplash, one of the most common injuries associated with collisions, typically begins with over-the-counter medications to relieve pain. If the pain persists or gets worse, care options including stronger prescription medications and physical therapy. In the most severe cases, injections may be needed to relieve pain.  Treatment options for other types of neck and back injuries include chiropractic care, orthopedic care, traction physical therapy care, electrical muscle stimulation, occupational therapy, therapeutic exercises, and epidural steroid injections. For more severe injuries, surgery may be needed. 
  • Knee injuries: Inflammation and bursitis are injuries commonly associated with car collisions. These issues are often first treated with anti-inflammatory medications. Cortisone injections may be helpful for chronic pain. More extensive knee injuries involving torn ligaments, swelling, restricted range of motion, or fractures require specialized care. These injuries may benefit from physical therapy, and the sufferer should stay off the leg as much as possible by using crutches or a wheelchair. More severe meniscal tears may require surgery. High-impact car crashes that result in extensive knee damage may require emergency surgery. 
  • Shoulder injuries: Treatment options for shoulder injuries include occupational therapy, physical therapy, shoulder immobilizer treatment, or surgery. A doctor may also recommend anti-inflammatory medications to relieve pain and swelling. Another option to reduce inflammation is to take corticosteroids, which can be taken orally or injected directly into the shoulder area. 
  • Brain injuries: The first course of treatment for mild brain injuries is rest and over-the-counter pain medications. An individual who suffered a mild traumatic brain injury should be closely monitored by a medical professional in the days immediately following the accident. Emergency care for more severe brain injuries ensures victims have enough oxygen and an adequate blood supply. The neck will be stabilized to prevent further damage to the head. People with the most severe brain injuries may require hospitalization in the intensive care unit of a hospital. Treatment options for severe injuries focus on reducing additional damage due to bleeding, oxygen loss, or inflammation. 

Injury Doctor

Depending on the severity of the injury, sustained care may be required. Ongoing physical therapy, medication management, or chronic pain care may be required. Regardless of the damage, car injury victims should closely follow the care plan recommended by their doctors and take their medications as prescribed. 

Schedule an Appointment With No-Fault Doctors

Are you looking for no-fault doctors or car accident treatment options in New York or New Jersey? Look no further than No-Fault Doctors. At, we offer a free directory of medical professionals who specialize in treating car-accident-related injuries. All the providers we work with accept no-fault insurance options. Don’t wait any longer to get the help you need. Contact us today to schedule an appointment.